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Karen find out that Vikram is dead. |
When Jo gets home she asks her mom to tell her why Chief Masterson wants her to go down to the station and make a statement. Her mom tells her not to worry about it and defends Vikram. That's when Jo finds out that Vikram died from a car accident where he had been drinking — or at least it had been set up to look that way.
Karen Desai seems just a bit to eager to have the case of her husbands second death wrapped up as quickly as possible. Could that be because of all the bad hes done or because of all the good that will in his death? At the police station, she tells Danny that his father had a $10 million dollar life insurance policy and they were going to be set for life because of it.
Danny and Jo meet to discuss the odd turn of events. Danny tells Jo about the insurance policy and says he is glad that he didn't come forward about his dad's death because people would have thought he did it for the money.They begin to believe that whoever moved the body is trying to protect them. Jo thinks its her mom because of the conversation she overheard where her dad asked her mom to come down to the station. Danny thinks its his mom because she would do anything to keep him safe. Finally, they think about the possibility of someone not wanting to help them. They come up with the idea that someone may be blackmailing them and decide that they have to find this person.
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Jo runs into rico and Andie at the diner. |
Next, we see Tess sitting with Karen having told her that she knew Vikram was alive. Tess apologizes profusely but Karen is very upset. She accuses Tess of sleeping with Vikram and threatens to call the cops after when she denies it. Karen's so mad that she throws the casserole Tess brought over out the front door just a little too soon after Tess walked out of it.
There's a great scene shift as the glass container that the casserole was in shatters when it hits the pavement and turns into the dirt being thrown over Vikram's casket. Danny is at the cemetery with Lacey reflecting on the fact that he's lost his father twice in six months. Lacey tries to cheer him up and tells him that he should come out about not killing his aunt. Of course, Danny disagrees saying that he's already kept the secret this long so why change that now.
Next, we see Jo talking to her mom about the situation of the police report again. This time, she insists that he mother answers the question. But Job isn't too happy with the answer. She finds out that her mom knew about that Vikram was alive through all the time Danny was running for the cops for having allegedly killed Reginia. She's immediately devastated and starts arguing with her mom. During this time, Karen reveals that she owed Vikram because he helped her during a hard time in her life.
Back at the Desai house, Danny tries to convince his mom that Vikram manipulated Tess into helping him. She doesn't really go for it and Jack helps to change the subject. The insurance agent rings the door bell and asks for Mrs. Desai and Daniel. That's when they found out that Vikram changed the policy without Karen knowing. Vikram left the money in a trust in Danny's name with Karen as the custodian.
According to the policy, Karen can't do anything with the money unless its for Danny's welfare or she gets permission from him. Danny feels uncomfortable with this and tells his mother that she doesn't have to ask him to spend the money because it belongs to both of them. Lacey warns Danny that he's going to get a whole new group of "friends" at school once they find out what happened. And of course, that's exactly what happens. Danny gets fed up with hearing all this talk about money especially when Andie pushes the fact that he should be using his money for good and helping with the charity event Jo's mom is putting on. He agrees and devotes to buying 6 ticketat $500 dollars each.

Chief Masterson is at the salvage yard getting ready to sign off Vikram;s car for demolition but noticed that the window was down when he crashed on a night that was about 30 degrees. This makes him suspicious and he decided to hold of on demo-ing the car.
Danny come home to find that his mom went on the ultimate shopping spree. Most of the stuff is for him but there's a diamond bracelet that she bought for herself as well. dAnny is a little taken aback by the fact they that got all this stuff just because his father died. Karen gets a bit angry and tells him the man he thought he knew never existed. Karen seems to be very bitter about he deceased husband. A huge turn of events especially since she wasn't willing to deface her marriage when she thought he was alive.
At the charity event, Danny pulls Jo aside and tells her that he thinks his mom is responsible for Vikram's body being moved. He says that she might have gotten Jack to help since she wouldn't be able to lift the body herself (personally, I think Jack is the one who did it but not with Karen's knowledge). His reasoning is his belief that she's a bit too happy to have this insurance money. He thinks she is protecting him from himself but Jo isn't so sure. Regardless, she believes that their secret is safe if this is the case.
Danny goes back into the event and bids $10,000 on a painting knowing that his mom wouldn't be pleased about it but also can't really do much about it. He seems to be trying to get under her skin to see if she will crack, especially when it comes to this money.
As always, Charlie is the one to bring Jo out of her thoughts and into the positivities of life after the event ends. They bond over the fact that they both have secrets that stem from what they thought was doing the right thing. Charlie convinces her to do something spontaneous by having a skipping rock contest with him at the lake. She agrees and makes him promise not to cry when she beats him.
Andie is raving about the gift that Danny gave while Rico is walking her home. Ric tries to point out all of the things that he did during the auction and then hands her an envelope with $53 which is all he could scrounge up at such short notice. Andie becomes over run with emotion and kisses him.
While Lacey and Danny are walking home, she finally points out that he hasn't been himself over the last few days. She tells him that he needs to talk to someone about what's going on with him and instead of telling her what's happened, he walks off (probably the worse thing he could do in that situation). He heads over to the diner to talk to Jo but when he gets there, he sees her with Charlie and decides not to go in.
Chief Masterson and Karen get into an argument over the whole Vikram thing when she gets home from the charity event. Finally, Karen says that she owes Vikram everything that she has with her husband. He's a bit confused and asks why. she goes on to explain that she had gotten pregnant while they were apart before they got married and she put the baby up for adoption. Vikram was there for her during that time and kept her secret till his death. She was afraid to tell her husband once they got back together because se thought he wouldn't love him.
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Danny asks his mom about her involvement in covering up Vikram's murder. |
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