Television is Great but Books are Better

New York Times Op-Ed Columnist Charles M. Blow, wrote an interesting article on Jan 22nd entitled, Reading Books Is Fundamental. The piece started as a memoir about how his love for reading began and went on to mention statistics published by the Pew Research Center. His opinion is that too few adults are reading books (in any format) these days. Although I love watching television, I believe there is nothing better than reading a good book. Much like Blow, I fell in love with reading at a very young age books have been apart of who I am since then. On the other hand, I can understand why adults don't read. Even as a college student, I find myself reading books much less than I used to. Take a look at the article and see just how much reading habits in adults have changed over the years. Also, take a look at some of Blow's other opinion articles here.

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