Tuesday, March 11, 2014

GLEE: Frenemies (Season 5, Episode 9)

Glee's first episode back since the winter break was centered around Artie & Tina, Rachel & Santana, and Kurt & Elliot. Each pair's friendships were put to the test for different reasons. I've decided to chronicle the episode by focusing on each pair separately. Also, check out the end of the post for the awesome music that was included in this episode!

Artie and Tina during their
sing-off performance of "My Lovin'"
Artie and Tina: The episode begins with Artie and Tina eating their weekly Tuesday lunch in McKinley's auditorium. Artie says that he's going to miss these lunches with his friend when he's at film school in Brooklyn and she's a Brown University. Tina admits to him that she's gotten waitlisted. Artie tries to cheer her up, deeming each other lunches until graduation as encouragement lunches and begins singing 'Whenever I Call You Friend'. Later, both Artie and Tina are called into Principal Sylvester's office. There they are told that they are tied for valedictorian because they both have perfect attendance, the same GPA and the same extracurricular activities. Because their can only be one valedictorian,  Principal Sylvester tells them that they will have their valedictorian speeches judged by a panel to decide who will have the prestigious position. Once they leave the office, Tina tells Artie that he should take the loss for her because being valedictorian will help her get into Brown but Artie isn't willing to. In the choir room, they continue their feud by competing in a sing-off to decided who will have a solo at nationals. While they're singing 'My Lovin', Tina accidentally pushes Artie's wheelchair over causing him to fall out of it. When it's time for them to present their valedictorian speeches, they both proclaim that the other person should be the valedictorian. During the speeches there is a scene step-back that shows Tina apologizing to Artie for her behavior in the choir room and them making up. In the end, they are able to keep their friendship in tack but Blaine is given the position of valedictorian. He decides that he's going to sing a song instead of giving a speech and he wants them to sing with him because he knows how much they both wanted to be valedictorian. At the end of the show,  the three of them sing 'Breakaway' together and we can assume that that is the song they have chosen to sing for graduation.

Rachel and Santana singing 'Brave' during a photoshoot
 for New York Magazine.
Rachel and Santana: The first time we see these two, Santana is opening  up to Rachel about her feelings of insignificance while serving rude customers at the Spotlight Diner. Santana applauds Rachel on being a true friend despite all of the horrible things she said and did to her in high school. Rachel invites Santana to work as a model for the photoshoot she will be in for the cover of New York Magazine and Santana gladly accepts. During the photoshoot, Santana has what we later find out is a fantasy scene where she and Rachel sing 'Brave'. It's possible that she was day dreaming about this because she was willing herself to be brave enough to do something that would make her famous in New York. Later, Rachel  tells kurt that she can't rehearse that night because she has to sit through the auditions for her understudy. Santana uses Rachel's absence from the rehearsal as her excuse to get out of it as well/ Looking back on it, it seems that she had already premeditated her next step and that's why she couldn't be at rehearsal. During the auditions for Rachel's understudy, the director calls out Santana's name. Santana gives an amazing performance of 'Don't Rain On my Parade' while leaving Rachel flabbergasted. When they get back to the apartment, Rachel immediately demands answers from Santana about why she audition for the understudy position without telling her. Santana's defense is that she knew Rachel was going to react this way and decided to do it after the audition so she couldn't stop her. The fight heats up and eventually leads to Rachel slapping Santana right before she gets the call that she's got the part. They continue to bicker by singing 'Every Breath You Take' during rehearsal after being told that they have to play nice with each other if they expect to get famous. Back at the apartment, Rachel and Santana face off and put Kurt in the middle by making him determine who should leave. In the end, Rachel decided to move out but not before telling Santana that they "were never and will never be friends." Throughout the episode its hard not to believe that Santana is just being the same conniving person she was in high school. Did Rachel's impending fame get to be too much for her? Did she pick the fight on purpose? Where they ever truly friends?

Kurt and Elliott make-up after a long day of opening up
and getting to know each other.
Kurt and Elliott: The first time we see Kurt in this episode, he's on the phone complaining to Blaine about how Elliot is trying to take over his band. Blaine tells him to 'keep his friends close and his enemies closer. When both girls can;t come to rehearsal, Kurt uses that opportunity to spend the day with Elliott to get a feel for his true intentions. While learning about Elliott's musical background, Kurt learn's that he plays guitar and asks Elliott to teach him. They go to a guitar store and impromptly perform 'I believe In A Thing Called Love'. Kurt lets down his guard a bit and enjoys the time spent with Elliott. Finally, Elliot opens up and tells Kurt that he knows Kurt thinks he;s trying to take over the group. Elliott reassures him that he's just happy to be a part of the band. He says he's really glad he met Kurt and they take a picture to commemorate the moment in their new found friendship (see gif above). Elliott  kisses Kurt on the cheek for the picture and Kurt squeals about how cute it is. Back at McKinley High, Becky asks Blaine, in her crude sarcastic way, if he had broken up with Kurt. Of course, Blaine replies "no" and Becky shows him the picture, stating, "your fiance is getting some a**." This could certainly put a damper on Kurt's relationship with Blaine and friendship with Elliott in the future .

This week's music (in chronological order):
- “Whenever I Call You Friend” – Artie & Tina – original by Kenny Loggins
- “Brave” – Rachel & Santana – original by Sara Bareilles
- “My Lovin” (You’re Never Gonna Get It) – Artie & Tina – original by En Vogue
- “Don’t Rain On My Parade” – Santana – original from the musical Funny Girl
- “I Believe In A Thing Called Love” – Kurt and Elliott – original by The Darkness
- “Every Breath You Take” – Rachel & Santana – original by The Police
- “Breakaway” – Artie, Tina & Blaine – original by Kelly Clarkson

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