Once again, Twisted 's murder mystery story line revolves around the constantly changing relationships. During this episode, we see that Lacey is finally willing to show her true emotions for Danny. She's convinced that she's going to get him to ask her to homecoming because she believes there's nothing standing in the way of them being together anymore. Unfortunately, Danny isn't exactly on the same page because of his guilt of killing his father and keeping it a secret. Jo tells him to ask Lacey to prom but when Charlie confirms that he likes Lacey, Danny gives him the go ahead to ask her to homecoming.
Charlie's crush on Lacey that has been building in the last few episodes finally comes to a head when he asks Lacey to homecoming. Much to his dismay, she denies with the explanation that she's going with someone else. Charlie has a feeling its Danny and tells Lacey that Danny gave him permission to ask her. At this point Lacey is super confused and calls Danny to apologize for all the things she had done. By the end of what turns into an argument, Danny asks Lacey to homecoming.
Andie Dang |
Rico is also trying to follow through on his crush by asking Jo to homecoming as 'friends'. Danny tells him to just go for it but before he can Jo tells him that she's signed them both up for homecoming committee. He gets excited because he thinks it confirms that Jo wants to be spending time with him. Andie, a cute mathematician that we've never seen before this episode clearly shows interest in Rico but he's too focused on Jo to pay her any attention. When Andie signs up for homecoming committee, Jo notices her crush and talks to her about it. Later, Jo tells Rico that she thinks he should be with someone who really likes him and pushes him to ask Andie to homecoming.
Danny and Lacey dance at homecoming. |
At homecoming, the night seems to be going well for Danny & Lacey. Well, until Danny is elected prom King and almost uses the time for his speech as a reason to tell the secret of him killing his father. As Danny storms out of the school both Jo and Lace follow him. Once again, Lacey is confused and out the loop but this time she isn't willing to put any effort into trying to understand. Later in the show, Danny goes to Lacey's house to set things right. She doesn't really want to hear it but he kisses her and she melts in his arms.
Charlie approached Jo at the punch bowl |
Rico and Andie had a great time. She even said he was "better looking than Leo" (DiCaprio!). Andie goes on to say that this is the happiest night for her life and Rico agrees. Across the room, Charlie has spotted Jo dressed to the nine's (thanks to her friend Lacey!). He approaches her with a corny line that isn't typical and introduces himself. He keeps his distance until the end of the night when she's helping to clean up. According to him, Jo doesn't smile enough and so he does a little dance to make her smile. It seems like this is the beginning of new romances for both Rico and Jo.
But the teenagers aren't the only ones who have love interests. Danny walked in on his mom and Jack (his father's old friend) kissing. Danny handles the experience gracefully an later reminds his mom that she deserves to be happy. Danny goes to Jack's house to ask for some insight about his father and ends up asking him to help him fix the car in his garage. It seems like he does this so that his mother will have an excuse for Jack being around. While fixing the car Jack takes on some fatherly duties and gives Danny advice about Lacey. It's during this scene that we learn that Vikram's life insurance policy is worth $10 million. (Would Danny have felt any differently about killing him if he knew that?)
Jack Taylor and Karen Desai |
Not only are there romantic relationships going on but there are also some friendships are seeing develop and grow. The first is with Jo and Lacey. They've finally put aside all their differences and are becoming friends again. Jo even says it while her and Lacey are getting ready for homecoming together. She says, "This is what it would have been like, if everything hadn't happened." We also learn that Charlie and Danny have a history. This episode was the first time that Danny actually saw Charlie and it seemed like something bad had happened between them. But as the show goes on, we see that they were cell mates in juvi and apparently, Danny helped Charlie keep a secret. Now that Danny's back at school, he and Charlie are bonding over their past experience, being the new kid and playing soccer.
Throughout the episode, Chief Masterson is continuing the search for Vikram. But he decided to take a moment of rest so that he could spend time with his wife, Tess. While at the table he gets a call from his debut sheriff about a voice mail left on Vikram's phone. Much to his surprise, its his own wife's voice. They get it into a huge argument about why she was lying to him and none of her excuses helped. Later at the house, he comes storming in saying that she's going to give a complete statement the next morning. Minutes later, he gets a call that Vikram is dead and Tess is just as surprised as he is.
The cliffhanger: The police force finally found Vikram's body. Does that mean Danny's secret is going to come out soon? Oh, and we still don;t know who that mystery man is!
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