Tuesday, February 25, 2014

An Artistic Band of Misfits: Glee's Eclectic Cast

In honor of Glee's return to television., I've put together a simple cast list that explains a little about where each character's' storyline left off in December.

Marley Rose (Melissa Benoist): Characterized as "the new Rachel", Marley has taken over as the lead singer of the New Directions with most of the solos. She has the persona of the "girl next door" and an innocent naivete that makes her very loveable. Through this season, we learned of her insecurities surrounding her mother's job as the lunch lady at William McKinley High School. Her additional insecurities include her mother's weight (she easily weighs over 300 pounds) and her fear of gaining weight (or becoming like her mother). Marley's was dating Jake , a smooth dancer whose even smoother with the ladies, before he cheated on her with a cheerleader. Additionally, Marley learns that her friend Ryder also has feeling for her and he's willing to do anything to convince her that he's worth her love.

Jake Puckerman (Jacob Artist):  The half Black, half Jewish, singer, dancer and guitarist with "bad boy" tendencies was originally introduced as the half brother of former Glee Club bad boy, Noah Puckerman (better known as Puck). Although Jake is rough around the edges, he has a fear of living in his brother's shadow at McKinley and screwing-up his future. He hides his insecurities by being a macho man with the ladies and becomes known as the school's resident "player". When he meets Marley, he tries to put aside his player ways and focus only on her. He succeeds until he's succumbs to the temptation of Bree, a conniving cheerleader, after teaching the cheerleading team a dance routine. Once Marley finds out, she breaks up with him and he goes off the deep in by choosing to go right back to his former ways, eventually sleeping with the entire cheerleading team. After Bree's pregnancy scare, Jake finally sees the error of his ways and begs Marley to take him back.

Kitty Wilde (Becca Tobin): A member of the Cheerios, McKinley high School's cheerleading squad, Kitty is a mix of former New Directions, Quinn and Santana. Known to run the school like Quinn and guaranteed to give an ample amount of sass at all times like Santana, Kitty's character has evolved over time. First seen as the popular girl who was too good to hang with the losers, she eventually joins the Glee Club and finds true friends but she didn't quite know how to be one herself. After getting jealous of Marley for winning the role of Sandy in the school's production of Grease, she convinces Marley that she's gaining weight while also pretending to be her friend. When Marley faints at Sectionals in November, Kitty finally sees the error of her ways and eventually apologizes. We even see her taste n men evolve. She starts with many short relationships that don't really go anywhere but then gets to know Arti, a wheelchair bound future director. At first, she doesn't want their relationship to be public knowledge but as she accepts it herself, she chooses to profess her love for Arti publicly.

Arti Abrams (Kevin McHale): Although bound to a wheelchair due to a car accident he was in when he was young, Arti refuses to let his disability stop him from reaching his dreams. He plans on being a world renowned movie director and is well on his way after directing the school's production of Grease. Through the semesters, he's had his fair share of love interests including: Tina Cohen-Cheng (who broke up with him in the lunch line), former New Direction member Brittany Pierce, and his current girlfriend Kitty Wilde.

Tina Cohen-Cheng (Jenna Ushkowitz): Originally the token Asian who didn't say very much Tina has come into her own and found her place in Glee Club. Now that all the "big stars" of the Glee Club have graduated, Tina feels that it is her time to shine. She tends to be a bit bossy lately and extremely sassy. She was even voted prom Queen this year. Unfortunately, her love life isn't as up-and-coming as her personality. During her freshman year, she dated Arti and later she was in a long-term relationship with Mike Chang (she broke up with him after deciding she didn't want to be in a long-distance relationship). Most recently, she developed a crush on Blaine which would have probably been all good and well if he wasn't gay and still in love with his (then) ex-boyfriend Kurt. But she got over it and they're now close friends.

Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss): Originally a member of the Dalton Academy Warblers, New Direction's rivals, Blaine transferred to William McKinley after beginning a relationship with Kurt. He was bullied in the past because of being gay but now he is confident and proud of being gay. He's almost perfect in every way. He's extremely involved at McKinley. Having been a member of the Cheerios and the water polo club. He is now the senor class president. In season four, Blaine and Kurt broke up after Blaine cheated on him. But in season 5 they reconciled and Blaine proposed to Kurt. Kurt said yes and they are currently planning their future wedding through phone calls and frequent flyer miles.

Wade Adams (Alex Newell): Better known as Unique, this transgendered character bring all the sass and diva status that walked across the graduation stage with Mercedes Jones back to the choir room. Originally the lead singer of Vocal Adrenaline, another one of New Direction's rivals, Unique transferred to William McKinley at the beginning of season four because she wasn;t feeling accepted at the old school. Most days, you can find her dressed in drag reminding Marley (her best friend) of her worth. Unique wasn't always so confident. When Wade first appeared on the show (in season three), he was nervous to sing his solo during Nationals. Now as Unique, his confidences has been tested and tried. Especially when Sue said that Unique couldn't use the women's bathroom and bolts a porter potty to the choir room floor. Additionally, Unique's confidence lacked in the romance department as well. Especially when she created a fake online profile to talk to Ryder because she couldn't tell him that she had a crush on him.

Ryder Lynn (Blake Jenner): A football player and basketball whose singing talents were discovered by former Glee Club member, Finn Hudson. He was the star of the schools production of Grease and later found out that he has dyslexia.Like many other the other Glee Club members, he works through his disability and remains confident despite it. He had a crush on Marley while she was in a relationship with his best friend, Jack but later moved on after he develops an online love interest who turns out to be Unique catfishing him.

Samuel Evans (Chord Overstreet): Better known as Sam, this "fish-mouthed" football player was discovered by Finn in the locker room shower. Known for his athletic abilities, impressions, and blond hair, Sam comes for a poor family which leaves him homeless for a period of time. During season two, Sam dates former Glee Club member Quinn Fabray but breaks up with her after he find out she cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend, Finn. In season three, there's talk of a fling between him and Mercedes Jones in June before he moved. When the Glee Club discovers that he's moved back to Lima, they find him stripping at a local strip club. After returning to the New Direction's, Sam wins over Mercedes over and they begin dating. Once she graduates they apparently break up and Sam develops a crush on his then best friend and former Glee Club member, Brittany Pierce. They date until she leaves to attend MIT. During this season, he develops a crush on Penny Owen, the young and slightly ditzy school nurse. He asks her to prom and she accepts the offer.

Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera): This feisty Latina has graduated from William McKinley and went on to the University of Louisville on a cheerleading scholarship but dropped out and is now living with Kurt and Rachel in NYC. Santana was co-captain of the Cheerios during her time at McKinley High and never failed to fill the room with her sass. She had relationships with multiple Glee Club members including Finn and Puck before discovering that she prefers women and began dating Brittany. Now she's taking dance classes at NYADA while working at the Spotlight Diner (NYC's premier show tunes diner) and doing small acting jobs. She's also dating Dani, a co worker from the diner and fellow member of Kurt's band Pamela Lansbury.

Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer): William McKinley's first openly gay student has come into his own since graduating from McKinley. He was bullied (even more so than the other New Direction's) due to his being gay. Regardless, Kurt left his mark on McKinley having been a member of the New Direction's and spending brief moments of time as a Cheerio, a football player, a Warbler. Now that he lives in NYC with Santana and Rachel, he's attending NYADA while working at the Spotlight Diner. He previously held an internship at Vogue.com. Kurt is engaged to Blaine.

Rachel Berry (Lea Michele): A star that  has lived and breathed show choir music since she was a young girl watching Barbra Streisand  on the couch with her two dads. When she was a member of the New Direction's she was one of the original members and received the most solos. In high school she dated Jesse St. James (the lead vocalist of Vocal Adrenaline) and fell in love with Finn Hudson, even to the point of almost abandoning her NYC dreams to marry him. Through the seasons, she's really come into her own. She started as a modest, confident-about-her-music-insecure-about everything-else, slightly naive and single-minded small town girl. Now she's dressing edgier and proclaiming her place in the spotlight. After moving to NYC and beginning classes at NYADA, she auditioned for the broadway play Funny Girl and earned the lead role. She is also apart of Kurt's band.

William Schuester (Matthew Morrison): Affectionately known as Mr. Schue, Will is the faculty adviser for the New Direction's. He's constantly encouraging the kids to let their uniqueness be their strength instead of their weakness. Will receives a lot of flak from the other teachers, especially, Sue Sylvester but just like the kids, he rises above it. He was originally married to Terri but eventually divorced her after she faked a pregnancy to get him t stay with her. will eventually falls for Emma Pillsbury, McKinley's guidance counselor with a severe case of OCD. They get married by the end of season four.

Sue Sylvester (Jamie Lynch): The former Cheerios head coach is also the arch enemy of Mr. Schue. She doesn't believe in the Glee Club and has done everything within her power to crush them. She's best know for her creative insults and high regards of her own accomplishments. We've learned through the semesters that Sue also has a soft heart due to helping to raise her disabled sister Jean. She was fired from McKinley after she took the fall for Becky who accidentally shot a gun inside of the school. Eventually she came back and got the current principal fired. She took of the temporary vacancy and enacted her hatred on the Glee Club from her new position of power. During the end of season four, Sue was granted the position of principal  permanently.

Other notable characters:

Becky Jackson is Sue's assistant
and an honorary member of the 

Dani is Santana's girlfriend as well as
a co-worker and fellow band member
of Santana, Kurt and Rachel.

Elliott Gilbert is better known as
Starchild and is a member of the
Kurt's band, Pamela Lansbury.

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