Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Broken Love Triangle, A Missing Boy and A Resurrection

In honor of ABC Family's hit drama, Twisted, returning to the screen at 9.p.m. (EST) on Feb. 11, I thought it would be a good idea to be reminded of the twists and turns that were wrapped into the last episode before the break.

So it's easier to understand, I'll talk about what each of the characters were faced with during this episode.If you simply want to read about the cliffhangers that left us dangling in Dec. and some questions I've raised from them, then skip to the bottom.

Jo Masterson: After practically professing her love for Danny at the school hearing that decided if he would be suspended or not, Jo takes "a day to herself" and tries to forget about him. Of course she's mad at both Danny and Lacey for keeping their relationship a secret — especially after she admitted to Lacey that she was falling for Danny. They come to her house to try to resolve things which only makes her more mad and Lacey leaks the fact that Rico (Jo's best friend and study buddy) knew about the video of her and Danny making out before it was leaked. Jo kicks them all out the house and hides in her room.To try to cheer her up, her parents take her to see a movie and she bumps into Tyler Lewis (the hot guy who clearly likes her and is striving to be a film director). She decided to go with him and his theatre friends for a movie discussion and somehow ends up watching a movie in Tyler's room (how did THAT happen?). They share a moment where you're sure they are about to kiss but Jo resists and leaves. We think she's heading home but instead she meets Danny at a park. In an intense scene she tells him that she has to be sure that she can never love her before she can move on. Danny admits that she's special in his life as a friend and nothing more. Then Jo asks of he still has feelings for Lacey and is let down once again because the answer is yes. She then heads back to Tyler's house and kisses him when he opens the door. We see them in bed together naked and she admits to him that "this is the first time I've done anything." To which he replies "I'm honored to have been your first" (Am I the only one who thinks this is ultra cute?!).

Danny Desai: Danny is texting Jo constantly trying to talk to her about the video that was leaked. He can't get a hold of her so he goes to school to meet up with Lacey even though he's technically not allowed to be there (since he was expelled from school due to his supposed involvement in making Cole, a guy on the soccer team, sick). They go over to Jo's house to try and straighten things out but get kicked out instead. When Danny finds out that Lacey has been ignored by her friends because of the video and her involvement with him, he begs her to let him fix this. His big idea is for Lacey to yell at him in front of her friends so they will accept her again but it backfires just a bit. Lacey yells out "I wish you had never come back! I wish I had never been friends with you!" According to the pain on Danny's face, it seems as if that wasn't part of the originally script. When leaving the diner, Cole runs after him to talk about the comment that Danny had made to Archie (Lacey's ex-boyfriend and Danny's arch nemesis). Danny tells Cole that Archie is the one who got him sick and that he would never have done anything to hurt him because he was the only guy on the team who was his friend. After meeting with Jo in the park, Danny comes back home to find his mom packing the suitcases. She says he has to go up and pack so they can leave town.

Lacey Porter: Lacy is facing the humiliating rejection of her "best" friends as she walks into school the day after the video is leaked. Although she says she doesn't matter, it's very clear that she care and its really hurting her. Lacey does along with Danny's plan to get back into the "it" crowd. When she sees that the script they had planned isn't enough to sell her friends on the fact that she had chosen them over him. So sh goes ahead and adds exactly what they want to hear. She's accepted at the party as"one of them" again. She convinces archie that he can trust her to tell him about the meaning behind the snide comment that Danny made and was surprised to learn that Archie really did sabotage Cole to get Danny off the team. It seems as if she's a bit upset by this fact but she joins the rest of the party so we believe she's just being self-centered. Cole comes back inside from talking to Danny and confronts Archie about what he did. Archie denies it but Lacey steps up and says that he just admitted it to her. Cole storms out telling the team "good luck at finals." Lacey leaves the party shortly after. She returns home to wallow in the fact that she no longer has any friends. Phoebe (a former best friend of Regina who has rejoined the "in" crowd lately) come to Lacey's room to let her know that they are still friends. They start reminiscing about Reginia and Phoebe tells Lacey about the time she saw Reginia got scratched getting out of a black car with tinted windows and Connecticut plates.

Kyle Masterson: After Danny's mother admitted to him that she threw Aunt Tara's necklace into the river, Sheriff Masterson is beginning to doubt Danny;s involvement in the murder. Marilyn Rossi, the private detective hired by the mayor to assist with Regina's murder, has been pressuring him to arrest someone on for this case because the town and the mayor are getting antsy.  She insists that they look in the river again to see if the murder weapon is there. Sheriff Masterson is reluctant arguing that it took a lot of the department's resources to search it the first time. She wins the fight and eventually they find what seems to be the murder weapon in the river. It's a blunt object with paint on one end and Danny's fingerprints all over it (am I the only one who believes that the "murder weapon" may have been planted by Marilyn?!). They go over to Desai house to arrest Danny.

Karen Desai: Karen is stressed about the decision the school made to expel Danny and she's not sure how they'll be able to get along financially. She goes to her boss (she works at a real estate agency) to ask for more hours. He gives her a project to do that will require her to stay late on multiple occasions. She jumps at the opportunity and puts her all into the project — which may have been a bit too much.She uncovers a scheme he has been doing for seven years to avoid paying taxes on all of his profits. She uses this information to her advantage and blackmails him, securing her financial position in the process.

Tess Masterson: We don't see much of Tess in this episode but  she was a great factor in helping to take Jo's mind off of Danny and Lacey's betrayal. Read cliffhanger number 5 to see where Tess really surprises us!

The Cliffhangers:

1. After Jo returns home from her randevu' with Tyler to find Rico waiting at her house. He apologizes and she forgives him. Jo starts talking about how she can't stand the fact that Lacey and Danny lied to her which makes Rico blurt out the secret he's been keeping from her. "I love you. You're like my perfect girl," he says before kissing her. Jo pulls back and says nothing. Rico leaves the house embarrassedly.
Questions: How is this going to affect Jo and Rico's relationship from now on? Could it possible that she could like him at some point or is that out of the question now that Tyler is in the picture?

2. The police arrive looking for Danny because new evidence has been found in the case of Regina's (one of Lacey's "popular" friends) murder. When they go upstairs to arrest him, his bedroom window is open and he is no where to be found. 
Questions: Where did he go? Why did he leave if he says he's innocent? Where does he think he is going to hide in such a small town?

3. The car that {hoebe talked to Lacey about belongs to Marilyn Rossi, the private detective that was hired to assist Sheriff Masterson with Regina's murder case. 
Questions: Why was Reginia in that car? Does Marilyn know something about Regina's murder that no one else knows? Why was Marilyn the detective that was hired to work on this case?

4. When Marilyn goes upstairs to find Danny, Sheriff Masterson asks Karen Desai how she knew they were coming (in reference to the fact that she was packing her suitcases).
Questions: How DID Karen know that the police where coming? Does Karen have something to do with Danny's disappearance? Why is Marilyn so eager to arrest Danny?

5. In the last few seconds of the episode, we see Tess pick up a piece of pottery so that she can see the bottom There are a few numbers carved into the bottom and she types them into her phone (it's a Connecticut area code by the way!). 

The conversation goes as follows: 
Man's voice - "Who is this?"
Tess - "It's me."
Man's voice - "Tess, What's wrong? What happened?"
Tess - "It's bad, really bad. I think it's time. I thin it' time for you to come back, Vikram."

Vikram, is Danny's father, the man who supposedly died a few years before!
Questions: Why is Vikram alive?! Why was Tess the one trusted to get in touch with him if things got bad and not his wife, Karen? Where is Vikram and does he have something to do with Regina's murder? 

I personally can't wait until some of my burning questions will be answered! Don't forget to tune in on Tuesday for the ALL NEW Twisted episode and read my blog on Wednesday for some commentary. 

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