Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Twisted Winter Premiere!! (Season 1, Episode 12)

CAUTION: There are many spoilers in this post so watch the show online first! Here's a website where you can watch the show for free the day after it airs.

Through most of the episode, Jo Masterson is cynical and very unsupportive of Danny's supposed innocence even to the point of trying to give him up to the police when he came to her room. I don't think that she's completely changed his mind about being innocent but it's clear that his lies and secrecy has pushed her over the edge. On the other hand, we see Lacey's view on Danny's innocence evolving. Much like Jo did at the beginning of the season, Lacey is fighting to uncover Danny's innocence. The ironic part about this is the fact they they were both driven by the same thing —being in love with Danny. Although Danny and Lacey have broken up it was evident through the entire episode that they still have feeling for one another. Will they choose to deny those feelings for Jo's sake or will they be true to their own hearts?

Charlie McBride
Then there's that new guy, Charlie McBride, who just randomly shows up. I'm not quite sure what the point of his appearance on the show is quite yet. It's clear that he's attracted to Lacey (who is the first teenager he meets since he moved to town) so maybe he'll be the one to take her mind off of Danny.

For the first time, we see Rico get truly involved in helping Danny. He's the one who harbors him and even keeps it a secret from Jo.  Now that Jo has "crushed his heart", we can assume that he's not doing it to win favor with her. So why did he do it? It's possible that he just need something to take his mind off of Jo altogether. What's better than harboring a fugitive and helping to solve a murder mystery?

Vikram Desai

The moment we've all been waiting since the show began has finally come! Danny tells us why he didn't say anything to defend himself when his Aunt Tara died. His father did it and then told him to take the blame because he wouldn't get as much prison time. Danny felt a sense of devotion and obligation to his dad that made him believe that he couldn't tell. Danny had had the suspicion that someone was framing him all along but now he knows it's his father. Why would his father frame his own son? And what secrets did Tara know that made him kill her?

There's a lot more questions surrounding Vikram and his sudden reappearance. Why was Tess (Jo's mom) the only one who knew he was still alive? Do they still have an affair going on? Does she know that he killed Tara? I can understand why he didn't tell his wife that he was faking his death but its still pretty suspicious that Tess knows. Additionally, we saw Lacey have a realization when looking at the awards case at the horse stables. She says that Gloria (Regina's mom) was really close to him. Is it possible that she was in on the plan? Is Regina actually dead or is it possible that her death was faked too?

Danny tries to save Vikram
The moment that will force us to watch next week's episode comes in the last few seconds of this one. Vikram chases Jo through the woods to try to get her phone from her so she can't call for backup. She runs to the edge of a cliff and Vikram catches up to her. As he tries to take the phone from her, Danny pushes Vickram off of Jo. Danny gets pushed onto the ground and the only thing he can use to protect himself is a stick (conveniently) laying next to him. Danny swings at his father and he gets pushed over the edge of the cliff. Danny tries to grab his hand but he's too late. If you';re heart wasn't beating hard enough at that point, we also see that someone else witnessed what happened but we don't know who. Does this new turn of events actually make Danny a killer now? Who saw it happen? Will they go to the police about it? Could it possibly have been Marilyn? Afterall, she is the one who set up the meeting and she wasn't in her hotel room when Chief Masterson went to pick her up.

Cinematically, the show's imagery was especially dark in this episode. From the late night search for Danny to Vikram chasing Jo in the woods there's more mysterious scenes than I've seen in the other episodes. Additionally, the background music adds suspense throughout most of the episode. My favorite part cinematic feature of this show were the scene-to-scene transitions. Especially when Chief Masterson finds the money in Marilyn's hotel room and it fades into Lacey putting the money on the table. It happens again when

Can't wait until the next episode? Check out the trailer here!

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