Tuesday, February 25, 2014

An Artistic Band of Misfits: Glee's Eclectic Cast

In honor of Glee's return to television., I've put together a simple cast list that explains a little about where each character's' storyline left off in December.

Marley Rose (Melissa Benoist): Characterized as "the new Rachel", Marley has taken over as the lead singer of the New Directions with most of the solos. She has the persona of the "girl next door" and an innocent naivete that makes her very loveable. Through this season, we learned of her insecurities surrounding her mother's job as the lunch lady at William McKinley High School. Her additional insecurities include her mother's weight (she easily weighs over 300 pounds) and her fear of gaining weight (or becoming like her mother). Marley's was dating Jake , a smooth dancer whose even smoother with the ladies, before he cheated on her with a cheerleader. Additionally, Marley learns that her friend Ryder also has feeling for her and he's willing to do anything to convince her that he's worth her love.

Jake Puckerman (Jacob Artist):  The half Black, half Jewish, singer, dancer and guitarist with "bad boy" tendencies was originally introduced as the half brother of former Glee Club bad boy, Noah Puckerman (better known as Puck). Although Jake is rough around the edges, he has a fear of living in his brother's shadow at McKinley and screwing-up his future. He hides his insecurities by being a macho man with the ladies and becomes known as the school's resident "player". When he meets Marley, he tries to put aside his player ways and focus only on her. He succeeds until he's succumbs to the temptation of Bree, a conniving cheerleader, after teaching the cheerleading team a dance routine. Once Marley finds out, she breaks up with him and he goes off the deep in by choosing to go right back to his former ways, eventually sleeping with the entire cheerleading team. After Bree's pregnancy scare, Jake finally sees the error of his ways and begs Marley to take him back.

Kitty Wilde (Becca Tobin): A member of the Cheerios, McKinley high School's cheerleading squad, Kitty is a mix of former New Directions, Quinn and Santana. Known to run the school like Quinn and guaranteed to give an ample amount of sass at all times like Santana, Kitty's character has evolved over time. First seen as the popular girl who was too good to hang with the losers, she eventually joins the Glee Club and finds true friends but she didn't quite know how to be one herself. After getting jealous of Marley for winning the role of Sandy in the school's production of Grease, she convinces Marley that she's gaining weight while also pretending to be her friend. When Marley faints at Sectionals in November, Kitty finally sees the error of her ways and eventually apologizes. We even see her taste n men evolve. She starts with many short relationships that don't really go anywhere but then gets to know Arti, a wheelchair bound future director. At first, she doesn't want their relationship to be public knowledge but as she accepts it herself, she chooses to profess her love for Arti publicly.

Arti Abrams (Kevin McHale): Although bound to a wheelchair due to a car accident he was in when he was young, Arti refuses to let his disability stop him from reaching his dreams. He plans on being a world renowned movie director and is well on his way after directing the school's production of Grease. Through the semesters, he's had his fair share of love interests including: Tina Cohen-Cheng (who broke up with him in the lunch line), former New Direction member Brittany Pierce, and his current girlfriend Kitty Wilde.

Tina Cohen-Cheng (Jenna Ushkowitz): Originally the token Asian who didn't say very much Tina has come into her own and found her place in Glee Club. Now that all the "big stars" of the Glee Club have graduated, Tina feels that it is her time to shine. She tends to be a bit bossy lately and extremely sassy. She was even voted prom Queen this year. Unfortunately, her love life isn't as up-and-coming as her personality. During her freshman year, she dated Arti and later she was in a long-term relationship with Mike Chang (she broke up with him after deciding she didn't want to be in a long-distance relationship). Most recently, she developed a crush on Blaine which would have probably been all good and well if he wasn't gay and still in love with his (then) ex-boyfriend Kurt. But she got over it and they're now close friends.

Blaine Anderson (Darren Criss): Originally a member of the Dalton Academy Warblers, New Direction's rivals, Blaine transferred to William McKinley after beginning a relationship with Kurt. He was bullied in the past because of being gay but now he is confident and proud of being gay. He's almost perfect in every way. He's extremely involved at McKinley. Having been a member of the Cheerios and the water polo club. He is now the senor class president. In season four, Blaine and Kurt broke up after Blaine cheated on him. But in season 5 they reconciled and Blaine proposed to Kurt. Kurt said yes and they are currently planning their future wedding through phone calls and frequent flyer miles.

Wade Adams (Alex Newell): Better known as Unique, this transgendered character bring all the sass and diva status that walked across the graduation stage with Mercedes Jones back to the choir room. Originally the lead singer of Vocal Adrenaline, another one of New Direction's rivals, Unique transferred to William McKinley at the beginning of season four because she wasn;t feeling accepted at the old school. Most days, you can find her dressed in drag reminding Marley (her best friend) of her worth. Unique wasn't always so confident. When Wade first appeared on the show (in season three), he was nervous to sing his solo during Nationals. Now as Unique, his confidences has been tested and tried. Especially when Sue said that Unique couldn't use the women's bathroom and bolts a porter potty to the choir room floor. Additionally, Unique's confidence lacked in the romance department as well. Especially when she created a fake online profile to talk to Ryder because she couldn't tell him that she had a crush on him.

Ryder Lynn (Blake Jenner): A football player and basketball whose singing talents were discovered by former Glee Club member, Finn Hudson. He was the star of the schools production of Grease and later found out that he has dyslexia.Like many other the other Glee Club members, he works through his disability and remains confident despite it. He had a crush on Marley while she was in a relationship with his best friend, Jack but later moved on after he develops an online love interest who turns out to be Unique catfishing him.

Samuel Evans (Chord Overstreet): Better known as Sam, this "fish-mouthed" football player was discovered by Finn in the locker room shower. Known for his athletic abilities, impressions, and blond hair, Sam comes for a poor family which leaves him homeless for a period of time. During season two, Sam dates former Glee Club member Quinn Fabray but breaks up with her after he find out she cheating on him with her ex-boyfriend, Finn. In season three, there's talk of a fling between him and Mercedes Jones in June before he moved. When the Glee Club discovers that he's moved back to Lima, they find him stripping at a local strip club. After returning to the New Direction's, Sam wins over Mercedes over and they begin dating. Once she graduates they apparently break up and Sam develops a crush on his then best friend and former Glee Club member, Brittany Pierce. They date until she leaves to attend MIT. During this season, he develops a crush on Penny Owen, the young and slightly ditzy school nurse. He asks her to prom and she accepts the offer.

Santana Lopez (Naya Rivera): This feisty Latina has graduated from William McKinley and went on to the University of Louisville on a cheerleading scholarship but dropped out and is now living with Kurt and Rachel in NYC. Santana was co-captain of the Cheerios during her time at McKinley High and never failed to fill the room with her sass. She had relationships with multiple Glee Club members including Finn and Puck before discovering that she prefers women and began dating Brittany. Now she's taking dance classes at NYADA while working at the Spotlight Diner (NYC's premier show tunes diner) and doing small acting jobs. She's also dating Dani, a co worker from the diner and fellow member of Kurt's band Pamela Lansbury.

Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer): William McKinley's first openly gay student has come into his own since graduating from McKinley. He was bullied (even more so than the other New Direction's) due to his being gay. Regardless, Kurt left his mark on McKinley having been a member of the New Direction's and spending brief moments of time as a Cheerio, a football player, a Warbler. Now that he lives in NYC with Santana and Rachel, he's attending NYADA while working at the Spotlight Diner. He previously held an internship at Vogue.com. Kurt is engaged to Blaine.

Rachel Berry (Lea Michele): A star that  has lived and breathed show choir music since she was a young girl watching Barbra Streisand  on the couch with her two dads. When she was a member of the New Direction's she was one of the original members and received the most solos. In high school she dated Jesse St. James (the lead vocalist of Vocal Adrenaline) and fell in love with Finn Hudson, even to the point of almost abandoning her NYC dreams to marry him. Through the seasons, she's really come into her own. She started as a modest, confident-about-her-music-insecure-about everything-else, slightly naive and single-minded small town girl. Now she's dressing edgier and proclaiming her place in the spotlight. After moving to NYC and beginning classes at NYADA, she auditioned for the broadway play Funny Girl and earned the lead role. She is also apart of Kurt's band.

William Schuester (Matthew Morrison): Affectionately known as Mr. Schue, Will is the faculty adviser for the New Direction's. He's constantly encouraging the kids to let their uniqueness be their strength instead of their weakness. Will receives a lot of flak from the other teachers, especially, Sue Sylvester but just like the kids, he rises above it. He was originally married to Terri but eventually divorced her after she faked a pregnancy to get him t stay with her. will eventually falls for Emma Pillsbury, McKinley's guidance counselor with a severe case of OCD. They get married by the end of season four.

Sue Sylvester (Jamie Lynch): The former Cheerios head coach is also the arch enemy of Mr. Schue. She doesn't believe in the Glee Club and has done everything within her power to crush them. She's best know for her creative insults and high regards of her own accomplishments. We've learned through the semesters that Sue also has a soft heart due to helping to raise her disabled sister Jean. She was fired from McKinley after she took the fall for Becky who accidentally shot a gun inside of the school. Eventually she came back and got the current principal fired. She took of the temporary vacancy and enacted her hatred on the Glee Club from her new position of power. During the end of season four, Sue was granted the position of principal  permanently.

Other notable characters:

Becky Jackson is Sue's assistant
and an honorary member of the 

Dani is Santana's girlfriend as well as
a co-worker and fellow band member
of Santana, Kurt and Rachel.

Elliott Gilbert is better known as
Starchild and is a member of the
Kurt's band, Pamela Lansbury.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sins of The Father (Season 1, Episode 13)


So that opening was just a bit overdramatic but I can certainly say that this week's episode of 'Twisted' certainly left us on the edge of our seats. If you haven't seen this episode, check it out here.

Danny and Jo decide what to do after Vikram falls to his death.
This episode picked up right where the previous one had left off, in the woods with Jo and Danny looking over Vikram's lifeless body in disbelief.

Danny decides that he's going to run so that he doesn't get caught for killing his father. Jo agrees to help him and goes back to her house to pack him a bag of supplies. When she returns with it, Danny second guesses his initial decision and  decided instead to turn himself in and admit to accidentally killing his dad no matter the consequences.

Danny's decision pays off because when he returns he finds that Chief Masterson has cleared his name. But he still hasn't confessed to the crime that he did commit. His mom and eventually Jo tell him that he should just leave the past in the past and try to live a normal life now that his name isn't on the suspect list for Regina's murder.

Apparently, Danny can't do that. It's clear that he's struggling with doing what's right (coming forward about his father's death) or taking advantage of the fact that no one knows what he did (living a normal life). Will he ever come forward about what he did?

In addition to keeping Danny's new secret, Jo reconciles her issues with Rico. It's clear that Rico still has feelings for her but he's willing to play the part of the loyal best friend if it means not losing Jo. Now that Tyler (the guy she slept with) is out of the picture and Danny is clearly in love with Lacey, is it still possible for Jo and Rico to be together?

Rico gained a few more friends through this ordeal. He and Lacey have gotten pretty tight now that they have helped aide and abet a fugitive. Maybe helping to uncover Danny;s innocence was the best thing that could have happened to Rico. Why else would have have stepped out of his comfort zone?

Lacey on the other hand, has lost plenty of so-called friends because of this ordeal. But it may have been the best thing to happen to her. Her character is evolving. Originally, we saw her as the popular girl who wasn't going to let the 'freak' ruin her reputation no matter how long they had known each other. Now, she's put all that aside. Partially because of her feeling for Danny and partially because she's finally realized the important things in life.

Lately, she's been the one putting the pieces of this never-ending puzzle together. She was the one who tipped off Chief Masterson about Marilyn's possible involvement and in this episode she uncovers another connection.

Lacey confronts Gloria Crane as Charlie McBride eavesdrops. 
Lacey goes to Gloria Crane's barn and casually mentions the case of Regina's murder. As Gloria states that there's no other solution besides Danny being the killer. Lacey disagrees and says that Vikram is possibly involved. Gloria immediately disagrees but there's something about the surprise in her eyes that causes Ladey tip off Chief Masterson once again.

Throughout all of her crime solving, Lacey's love life is still as confusing as ever. Charlie McBride seems to be getting to know her better and she's starting to let her guard down around him. The question still remains: why did he come to town to being with? On the other side of the love triangle, Lacey receives Jo's blessing to continue dating Danny. Jo must have seen how much they care for each other and now that she's over him, why should she stop them from being together. Will Lacey go for the new guy or return to Danny?
Jack Taylor

Speaking of love, Karen Desai seems to be having a budding romance (or would it be a re-budding
romance) of her own. When Karen found out Vikram might still be alive in last week's episode, she went straight to Jack Taylor, a former friend and employee of Vikram's. In this episode we learn that Karen and Jack were having an affair when Vikram was still alive. It's clear that Jack still has feelings for Karen  but she's trying to do the right thing and not dishonor her marriage ton Vikram (although she's already done that with the original affair). Will Karen let Jack back into her life or will she continue to avoid his advances?

Chief Masterson has been pretty busy too. In the first half of the episode, he spends his time searching for Marilyn but doesn't catch her until after Lacey tells him about Gloria Crane's possible involvement. When interrogating Gloria he finds out that she and Vikram were having an affair after his supposed death. Reginia found out and Vikram paid her off to keep quiet. Once Danny came to town, Reginia thought that he should know that his father was still alive and was going to tell him — she never got the chance.

Chief Masterson traps and arrests Marilyn. 
After Regina's death, Marilyn gave Gloria Aunt Tara's necklace and had her put it in Danny's locker so that when the police searched it, they would find it. Somehow through all of this, Vikram convinced her that Danny is the one who killed Reginin. After her confession to the involvement in the cover-up, Chief Masterson asks her to call Marilyn and is able to arrest her when she came out of hiding for what she thought would be a meeting with Gloria.

The chief knows that he's solved a big piece of the puzzle but this case isn't over yet — Vikram is still on the loose. Will Chief Masterson ever find out what happened to Vikram?

As for, Tess Masterson, she's still calling Vikram's phone to tell him that he needs to come out of hiding. Is it possible that she had more to do with this case than she's letting on? When will enough time past for her to feel that she has to come forward with the things she know?

The conclusion of this episode was another nail biter. Once again, the woods where Vikram is laying dead is shown as Tess leaves yet another message on his phone. We see a pair of feet and appear near his body and a hand that reaches down to pick up his phone. Now this mystery person knows who killed Vikram and that Tess knows how to get in touch with him. What's stopping this guy from exposing all this information to the public? Or even worse, what;s stopping him from using it against them?

Mystery Man's feet near Vikram's body.

Could this mystery person be the new guy, Charlie McBride???? He seemed pretty interested in the case and we still don't know why he's come to town.

Maybe we'll find the answers to these questions on the next episode this Tuesday! In the meantime, the trailer will have to hold us over

Thursday, February 20, 2014

TWISTED: New and Improved Opening Credits

Before delving into the plot twists of this weeks episode (I'll address them in my next post), let's take a look at the new opening credits. I noticed this last week but I couldn't find a video that showed the difference so I figured the best way would be to show it through a series of photos. But first, check out the old opening credits.

The new one looks a bit more sophisticated and definitely has better graphic work. It shows the classic backwards 's' and morphs into Jo, Lacey and then Danny before going back to the 's'.

Here's a little visual aid:

I think it's an out-of-the-box representation of the idea of something being 'twisted'. I'm glad to see that the cinematic aspects of the show are maturing along with the story line.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Twisted Winter Premiere!! (Season 1, Episode 12)

CAUTION: There are many spoilers in this post so watch the show online first! Here's a website where you can watch the show for free the day after it airs.

Through most of the episode, Jo Masterson is cynical and very unsupportive of Danny's supposed innocence even to the point of trying to give him up to the police when he came to her room. I don't think that she's completely changed his mind about being innocent but it's clear that his lies and secrecy has pushed her over the edge. On the other hand, we see Lacey's view on Danny's innocence evolving. Much like Jo did at the beginning of the season, Lacey is fighting to uncover Danny's innocence. The ironic part about this is the fact they they were both driven by the same thing —being in love with Danny. Although Danny and Lacey have broken up it was evident through the entire episode that they still have feeling for one another. Will they choose to deny those feelings for Jo's sake or will they be true to their own hearts?

Charlie McBride
Then there's that new guy, Charlie McBride, who just randomly shows up. I'm not quite sure what the point of his appearance on the show is quite yet. It's clear that he's attracted to Lacey (who is the first teenager he meets since he moved to town) so maybe he'll be the one to take her mind off of Danny.

For the first time, we see Rico get truly involved in helping Danny. He's the one who harbors him and even keeps it a secret from Jo.  Now that Jo has "crushed his heart", we can assume that he's not doing it to win favor with her. So why did he do it? It's possible that he just need something to take his mind off of Jo altogether. What's better than harboring a fugitive and helping to solve a murder mystery?

Vikram Desai

The moment we've all been waiting since the show began has finally come! Danny tells us why he didn't say anything to defend himself when his Aunt Tara died. His father did it and then told him to take the blame because he wouldn't get as much prison time. Danny felt a sense of devotion and obligation to his dad that made him believe that he couldn't tell. Danny had had the suspicion that someone was framing him all along but now he knows it's his father. Why would his father frame his own son? And what secrets did Tara know that made him kill her?

There's a lot more questions surrounding Vikram and his sudden reappearance. Why was Tess (Jo's mom) the only one who knew he was still alive? Do they still have an affair going on? Does she know that he killed Tara? I can understand why he didn't tell his wife that he was faking his death but its still pretty suspicious that Tess knows. Additionally, we saw Lacey have a realization when looking at the awards case at the horse stables. She says that Gloria (Regina's mom) was really close to him. Is it possible that she was in on the plan? Is Regina actually dead or is it possible that her death was faked too?

Danny tries to save Vikram
The moment that will force us to watch next week's episode comes in the last few seconds of this one. Vikram chases Jo through the woods to try to get her phone from her so she can't call for backup. She runs to the edge of a cliff and Vikram catches up to her. As he tries to take the phone from her, Danny pushes Vickram off of Jo. Danny gets pushed onto the ground and the only thing he can use to protect himself is a stick (conveniently) laying next to him. Danny swings at his father and he gets pushed over the edge of the cliff. Danny tries to grab his hand but he's too late. If you';re heart wasn't beating hard enough at that point, we also see that someone else witnessed what happened but we don't know who. Does this new turn of events actually make Danny a killer now? Who saw it happen? Will they go to the police about it? Could it possibly have been Marilyn? Afterall, she is the one who set up the meeting and she wasn't in her hotel room when Chief Masterson went to pick her up.

Cinematically, the show's imagery was especially dark in this episode. From the late night search for Danny to Vikram chasing Jo in the woods there's more mysterious scenes than I've seen in the other episodes. Additionally, the background music adds suspense throughout most of the episode. My favorite part cinematic feature of this show were the scene-to-scene transitions. Especially when Chief Masterson finds the money in Marilyn's hotel room and it fades into Lacey putting the money on the table. It happens again when

Can't wait until the next episode? Check out the trailer here!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

A Broken Love Triangle, A Missing Boy and A Resurrection

In honor of ABC Family's hit drama, Twisted, returning to the screen at 9.p.m. (EST) on Feb. 11, I thought it would be a good idea to be reminded of the twists and turns that were wrapped into the last episode before the break.

So it's easier to understand, I'll talk about what each of the characters were faced with during this episode.If you simply want to read about the cliffhangers that left us dangling in Dec. and some questions I've raised from them, then skip to the bottom.

Jo Masterson: After practically professing her love for Danny at the school hearing that decided if he would be suspended or not, Jo takes "a day to herself" and tries to forget about him. Of course she's mad at both Danny and Lacey for keeping their relationship a secret — especially after she admitted to Lacey that she was falling for Danny. They come to her house to try to resolve things which only makes her more mad and Lacey leaks the fact that Rico (Jo's best friend and study buddy) knew about the video of her and Danny making out before it was leaked. Jo kicks them all out the house and hides in her room.To try to cheer her up, her parents take her to see a movie and she bumps into Tyler Lewis (the hot guy who clearly likes her and is striving to be a film director). She decided to go with him and his theatre friends for a movie discussion and somehow ends up watching a movie in Tyler's room (how did THAT happen?). They share a moment where you're sure they are about to kiss but Jo resists and leaves. We think she's heading home but instead she meets Danny at a park. In an intense scene she tells him that she has to be sure that she can never love her before she can move on. Danny admits that she's special in his life as a friend and nothing more. Then Jo asks of he still has feelings for Lacey and is let down once again because the answer is yes. She then heads back to Tyler's house and kisses him when he opens the door. We see them in bed together naked and she admits to him that "this is the first time I've done anything." To which he replies "I'm honored to have been your first" (Am I the only one who thinks this is ultra cute?!).

Danny Desai: Danny is texting Jo constantly trying to talk to her about the video that was leaked. He can't get a hold of her so he goes to school to meet up with Lacey even though he's technically not allowed to be there (since he was expelled from school due to his supposed involvement in making Cole, a guy on the soccer team, sick). They go over to Jo's house to try and straighten things out but get kicked out instead. When Danny finds out that Lacey has been ignored by her friends because of the video and her involvement with him, he begs her to let him fix this. His big idea is for Lacey to yell at him in front of her friends so they will accept her again but it backfires just a bit. Lacey yells out "I wish you had never come back! I wish I had never been friends with you!" According to the pain on Danny's face, it seems as if that wasn't part of the originally script. When leaving the diner, Cole runs after him to talk about the comment that Danny had made to Archie (Lacey's ex-boyfriend and Danny's arch nemesis). Danny tells Cole that Archie is the one who got him sick and that he would never have done anything to hurt him because he was the only guy on the team who was his friend. After meeting with Jo in the park, Danny comes back home to find his mom packing the suitcases. She says he has to go up and pack so they can leave town.

Lacey Porter: Lacy is facing the humiliating rejection of her "best" friends as she walks into school the day after the video is leaked. Although she says she doesn't matter, it's very clear that she care and its really hurting her. Lacey does along with Danny's plan to get back into the "it" crowd. When she sees that the script they had planned isn't enough to sell her friends on the fact that she had chosen them over him. So sh goes ahead and adds exactly what they want to hear. She's accepted at the party as"one of them" again. She convinces archie that he can trust her to tell him about the meaning behind the snide comment that Danny made and was surprised to learn that Archie really did sabotage Cole to get Danny off the team. It seems as if she's a bit upset by this fact but she joins the rest of the party so we believe she's just being self-centered. Cole comes back inside from talking to Danny and confronts Archie about what he did. Archie denies it but Lacey steps up and says that he just admitted it to her. Cole storms out telling the team "good luck at finals." Lacey leaves the party shortly after. She returns home to wallow in the fact that she no longer has any friends. Phoebe (a former best friend of Regina who has rejoined the "in" crowd lately) come to Lacey's room to let her know that they are still friends. They start reminiscing about Reginia and Phoebe tells Lacey about the time she saw Reginia got scratched getting out of a black car with tinted windows and Connecticut plates.

Kyle Masterson: After Danny's mother admitted to him that she threw Aunt Tara's necklace into the river, Sheriff Masterson is beginning to doubt Danny;s involvement in the murder. Marilyn Rossi, the private detective hired by the mayor to assist with Regina's murder, has been pressuring him to arrest someone on for this case because the town and the mayor are getting antsy.  She insists that they look in the river again to see if the murder weapon is there. Sheriff Masterson is reluctant arguing that it took a lot of the department's resources to search it the first time. She wins the fight and eventually they find what seems to be the murder weapon in the river. It's a blunt object with paint on one end and Danny's fingerprints all over it (am I the only one who believes that the "murder weapon" may have been planted by Marilyn?!). They go over to Desai house to arrest Danny.

Karen Desai: Karen is stressed about the decision the school made to expel Danny and she's not sure how they'll be able to get along financially. She goes to her boss (she works at a real estate agency) to ask for more hours. He gives her a project to do that will require her to stay late on multiple occasions. She jumps at the opportunity and puts her all into the project — which may have been a bit too much.She uncovers a scheme he has been doing for seven years to avoid paying taxes on all of his profits. She uses this information to her advantage and blackmails him, securing her financial position in the process.

Tess Masterson: We don't see much of Tess in this episode but  she was a great factor in helping to take Jo's mind off of Danny and Lacey's betrayal. Read cliffhanger number 5 to see where Tess really surprises us!

The Cliffhangers:

1. After Jo returns home from her randevu' with Tyler to find Rico waiting at her house. He apologizes and she forgives him. Jo starts talking about how she can't stand the fact that Lacey and Danny lied to her which makes Rico blurt out the secret he's been keeping from her. "I love you. You're like my perfect girl," he says before kissing her. Jo pulls back and says nothing. Rico leaves the house embarrassedly.
Questions: How is this going to affect Jo and Rico's relationship from now on? Could it possible that she could like him at some point or is that out of the question now that Tyler is in the picture?

2. The police arrive looking for Danny because new evidence has been found in the case of Regina's (one of Lacey's "popular" friends) murder. When they go upstairs to arrest him, his bedroom window is open and he is no where to be found. 
Questions: Where did he go? Why did he leave if he says he's innocent? Where does he think he is going to hide in such a small town?

3. The car that {hoebe talked to Lacey about belongs to Marilyn Rossi, the private detective that was hired to assist Sheriff Masterson with Regina's murder case. 
Questions: Why was Reginia in that car? Does Marilyn know something about Regina's murder that no one else knows? Why was Marilyn the detective that was hired to work on this case?

4. When Marilyn goes upstairs to find Danny, Sheriff Masterson asks Karen Desai how she knew they were coming (in reference to the fact that she was packing her suitcases).
Questions: How DID Karen know that the police where coming? Does Karen have something to do with Danny's disappearance? Why is Marilyn so eager to arrest Danny?

5. In the last few seconds of the episode, we see Tess pick up a piece of pottery so that she can see the bottom There are a few numbers carved into the bottom and she types them into her phone (it's a Connecticut area code by the way!). 

The conversation goes as follows: 
Man's voice - "Who is this?"
Tess - "It's me."
Man's voice - "Tess, What's wrong? What happened?"
Tess - "It's bad, really bad. I think it's time. I thin it' time for you to come back, Vikram."

Vikram, is Danny's father, the man who supposedly died a few years before!
Questions: Why is Vikram alive?! Why was Tess the one trusted to get in touch with him if things got bad and not his wife, Karen? Where is Vikram and does he have something to do with Regina's murder? 

I personally can't wait until some of my burning questions will be answered! Don't forget to tune in on Tuesday for the ALL NEW Twisted episode and read my blog on Wednesday for some commentary.